Teleflora’s Beautiful Memories Collection
Soft and serene, this glorious collection of seven hand-made sympathy pieces celebrate your beautiful memories with the feminine grace of peaceful pink blooms.
Teleflora's Beautiful Memories Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Teleflora's Graceful Glory Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Soft And Tender Bouquet DX
Teleflora’s Grandest Glory Collection
This glorious collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces features pure white roses and lilies for a beautiful sense of peace and tranquility.
Teleflora's Grandest Glory Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Grandest Glory Casket Spray, Heartfelt Sympathy Spray, Serenity Wreath, Teleflora's True Horizon Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet, Dreams From The Heart Bouquet DX
Tender Remembrance Collection
Casket Sprays, Crosses, Hearts, Wreaths, Funeral And Cremation, Standing Sprays, Sympathy Arrangements
Inspired by beautiful blue skies, this collection of four hand-made sympathy pieces brings a sense of peace and light to the service.
Teleflora's Tender Remembrance Collection includes the following four sympathy set pieces: Tender Remembrance Casket Spray, Pure Heart, Treasured And Beloved Bouquet DX, Teleflora's Skies Of Remembrance Bouquet DX
Tranquil Peace Collection
Casket Sprays, Crosses, Hearts, Wreaths, Funeral And Cremation, Standing Sprays, Sympathy Arrangements
Calming white blooms and unique, sculptural greens give this collection of six hand-made sympathy pieces a tranquil, zen-like feel that's perfect for the service.
Teleflora's Tranquil Peace Collection includes the following six sympathy set pieces: Tranquil Peace Cremation Tribute, Forever At Peace Spray, Garden Cross, Teleflora's Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet DX, Garden Wreath Photo Tribute DX, Botanical Beauty Bouquet DX